boozer meaning

Pronunciation:   "boozer" in a sentence
Noun: boozer  boozu(r)
  1. A person who drinks alcohol to excess habitually
    - alcoholic, alky, dipsomaniac, lush [N. Amer], soaker, souse, alkie, dipso 
  2. [Brit] Tavern consisting of a building with a bar and public rooms; often provides light meals
    - public house [Brit], pub [Brit, Cdn], saloon [Brit], pothouse [US], gin mill [N. Amer], taphouse [archaic], tavern

Derived forms: boozers

See also: booze

Type of: drunk, drunkard, inebriate, rummy, sot, tap house, tavern, tosspot, wino

Encyclopedia: Boozer

[British slang]
Noun. 1. A public house, a bar. {Informal}
2. A person who enjoys regularly drinking alcohol. {Informal}
3. An alcoholic. {Informal}


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  1. i'm no boozer and whorehound.
  2. carlos boozer led utah with 20 points
  3. we got nothing but a boozer for a coach
  4. who didnt get destroyed by boozer?
  5. you're not the boozer type

Related Words

        boozey:     see boozy below
        boozed:     adjective; [American slang]mod. alcoh ...
        boozily:     adverb
        booze-up:    Noun: booze-upRevelry in drinking; a m ...
        booziness:     noun
        booze up:    [American slang]Sl. to drink heavily. ...
        boozing:    Noun: boozing  boozingThe ac ...
        booze it up:    [American slang]Sl. to drink heavily; ...
        boozy:    Adjective: boozy (boozier,booziest)&nb ...
        booze it:    [American slang]tr. to drink excessive ...


  1. booze it meaning
  2. booze it up meaning
  3. booze up meaning
  4. booze-up meaning
  5. boozed meaning
  6. boozey meaning
  7. boozily meaning
  8. booziness meaning
  9. boozing meaning
  10. boozy meaning
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