avouch meaning

Pronunciation:   "avouch" in a sentence
Verb: avouch  u'vawch
  1. Admit openly and bluntly; make no bones about
    - avow

Derived forms: avouches, avouched, avouching

Type of: acknowledge, admit


  1. i am willing to employ your friend if you will avouch his integrity.
  2. the channel coding technology can avouch the reliable message transmission and have some considerable coding gains
  3. But on the home front, as the writers in Bukittinggi can avouch, it's another story.
  4. Other sources include the " vil�yetname " of Otman Baba's successor Demir Baba, which refers to Otman Baba as the " pole of poles " and " Pole of the Universe and Time ", symbols of his high spiritual rank; the " vil�yetname " also avouches Otman Baba s ability to instantly appear and disappear.

Related Words

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        avouchment:    Noun: avouchmentA statement asserting ...
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        avoure:     /a-vowrˈ/ (Spenser)  noun&n ...
        avon:    Noun: Avon  eyvunA river in ...
        avoutrer:     /a-vooˈtrər/ or avouterer /-tə-rər/ a ...
        avoision:     /ə-voiˈzhən/   noun &n ...
        avow:    Verb: avow  u'vawTo declare ...
        avoirdupois weight:    Noun: avoirdupois weightA system of we ...


  1. avoirdupois weight meaning
  2. avoision meaning
  3. avon meaning
  4. avoparcin meaning
  5. avou meaning
  6. avouchable meaning
  7. avouchment meaning
  8. avoure meaning
  9. avoutrer meaning
  10. avow meaning
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