at one's wit's end meaning

see under wit1

[American idiom]
at the limits of one's mental resources.
I’m at my wit's end with this problem. I cannot figure it out.
Tom could do no more. He was at his wit's end.

[American slang]
Fig. at the limits of one's mental resources.
  I'm at my wit's end with this problem. I cannot figure it out.
  Tom could do no more. He was at his wit's end.

Related Words


  1. at one's feet meaning
  2. at one's fingertips meaning
  3. at one's heels meaning
  4. at one's leisure meaning
  5. at one's service meaning
  6. at outs meaning
  7. at pains meaning
  8. at par meaning
  9. at peace meaning
  10. at play meaning
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