abnegate meaning
Verb: abnegate 'abnu`geyt
- Deny oneself (something); restrain, especially from indulging in some pleasure
- deny - Surrender (power or a position)
"The King abnegated his power to the ministers" - Deny or renounce
"They abnegated their gods"
Derived forms: abnegating, abnegated, abnegates
See also: abnegation, abnegator
Type of: check, contain, control, curb, deny, give up, hold, hold in, moderate, surrender
More: Next- "mr. alcott, a lady near me desires to inquire whether omnipotence abnegates attribute?"
- above all, he abnegated himself and found out the reason
- alice abnegated desserts for one montrh after getting on the scale
- "mr . alcott, a lady near me desires to inquire whether omnipotence abnegates attribute?
- the very possibility of heroism had been, as it were, formally abnegated in the minds of all