abnegate meaning

Pronunciation:   "abnegate" in a sentence
Verb: abnegate  'abnu`geyt
  1. Deny oneself (something); restrain, especially from indulging in some pleasure
    - deny 
  2. Surrender (power or a position)
    "The King abnegated his power to the ministers" 
  3. Deny or renounce
    "They abnegated their gods"

Derived forms: abnegating, abnegated, abnegates

See also: abnegation, abnegator

Type of: check, contain, control, curb, deny, give up, hold, hold in, moderate, surrender


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  1. "mr. alcott, a lady near me desires to inquire whether omnipotence abnegates attribute?"
  2. above all, he abnegated himself and found out the reason
  3. alice abnegated desserts for one montrh after getting on the scale
  4. "mr . alcott, a lady near me desires to inquire whether omnipotence abnegates attribute?
  5. the very possibility of heroism had been, as it were, formally abnegated in the minds of all

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  2. abmho meaning
  3. abn meaning
  4. abnaki meaning
  5. abncp meaning
  6. abnegation meaning
  7. abnegator meaning
  8. abney level meaning
  9. abnf meaning
  10. abnormal meaning
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