a wide place in the road meaning

  "a wide place in the road" in a sentence
[American slang]
a very small town.
  The town is little more than a wide place in the road.
  We stopped at a wide place in the road called Adamsville.


  1. For a brief moment, a whistle stop, a tank town, a wide place in the road was transformed.
  2. She comes from a wide place in the road called Shubuta, Miss ., a farming town outside Meridian, not far from the Alabama line.
  3. Marvin Richie, the good-natured town marshal of Magazine, Ark ., a wide place in the road, got in their way by accident.
  4. The outpost was no more than a wide place in the road with a fort, held by about 2, 000 troops under General Sir Robert Sale.
  5. A day's train ride to the east is the city of Bengbu, a wide place in the road that is home to more than 3 million people in its metropolitan region.

Related Words

        wide place in the road:    [American slang]n. a very small town. ...
        to the wide:    1. Completely2. Utterly
        wide:    Adjective: wide (wider,widest) &n ...
        wide of:     (Shakespeare)  Indifferent ...
        wide-on:    [British slang]Noun. The female equiva ...
        a road:    Noun: A roadUsage: BritA numbered main ...
        a-road:     noun  A principal or trunk ...
        in the road:    [American slang]1. Lit. on the roadway ...
        on the road:    Noun: on the roadTravelling about" ...
        road:    Noun: road  rowdAn open way ...
        at that place:    Adverb: at that placeIn or at that pla ...
        in place:    Adverb: in placeIn the original or nat ...
        in place of:    Instead of; [American idiom]instead of ...
        in the --- place:    [American slang]adv. phr. As the (firs ...
        no place:    adv. (Am.)(informal) nowhere: There's ...


  1. a wheen meaning
  2. a whiff of sth meaning
  3. a whipping boy meaning
  4. a whole heap more meaning
  5. a whole nother thing meaning
  6. a widow bewitched meaning
  7. a wild-goose chase meaning
  8. a will of one's own meaning
  9. a window of opportunity meaning
  10. a wolf in sheep's clothing meaning
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