pc meaning

Pronunciation:   "pc" in a sentence
Adjective: PC
  1. Exhibiting political correctness
    - politically correct
Noun: PC
  1. A small digital computer based on a microprocessor and designed to be used by one person at a time
    - personal computer, microcomputer, micro
Abbreviation: PC
Usage: Brit
  1. Police constable

Derived forms: PCs

Type of: digital computer

Encyclopedia: PC


Abbr. for “piece.”

patrol craft; personal computer; pilot in command; preliminary coordination; Principals Committee

1. Abbreviation of PICOCOULOMB. Also, pC

2. Abbreviation of PICOCURIE. Also,
pCi (preferred).
3. Abbreviation of PARSEC.
pC Abbreviation for PICOCOULOMB.

See: Participation certificates


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PC Version