熄灯 meaning in English

[ xídēng ] Pronunciation:   "熄灯" meaning in Chinese   "熄灯" in a sentence
douse the glim
douse the lights
lights out
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  1. No talking after lights out .
  2. They for half an hour after the lights went off
  3. " what did you do after lights - out last night ?
    “你昨天熄灯以后干什么了? ”
  4. Bedtime , ladies . bedtime . let ' s go . bedtime
  5. I got to be back there . it ' s going to be light out

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  1. 惜缘 in English
  2. 惜月 in English
  3. 惜云 in English
  4. 惜指失掌 in English
  5. 熄 in English
  6. 熄灯号 in English
  7. 熄灯号, 规定的熄灯时间 in English
  8. 熄灯号, 熄灯鼓 in English
  9. 熄灯号音 in English
  10. 熄灯后不许说话 in English
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