多臂织机 meaning in English

Pronunciation:   "多臂织机" in a sentence
[纺织] chain loom; dobby loom
  • :    many; much; more
  • :    arm
  • 织机:    loom; weaving machine
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  1. One of key techniques is to add a special little weaving beam on jat610 - 280 dobby to solve the tention difference between the fancy warp ends and ground warp ends , the other is to well match multi - weave and popular color of the fabric
    研发中的关键技术一是织物的多组织配合和流行色搭配,二是改造jat610 - 280型多臂织机,加装一个特殊的小织轴,解决了花经和地经张力差异太大的问题。

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  8. 多鞭毛的 in English
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