vulcanizer meaning in Chinese

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  1. Two - in - one four - column vulcanizer
  2. Aluminium - alloy made , multi - purpose rubber - belt vulcanizer . with electrothermal board and evenpressure hydraulic board . used to mend 0 - 2 . 2m wide rubber - belt with small rips
    本机用于宽2 . 2米内胶带沿纵向小面积撕裂破损的修补。主要材料采用铝合金,并有电加热式的电热板,压力均匀的水压板为压力装置所组成的一机多用的胶带修补设备。
  3. Aluminium - alloy made vulcanizer , main parts include : frame , electrothermal board and pressure device . simple structure , easy to operate , used to mend rubber - belt with small scratches and punctures
  4. Most advanced explosion - proof vulcanizer in china . main features are : light weight , easy to operate , safe and reliable . used to connect and vulcanize canvas , nylon and cable in coal - mines where exist methane , coal - dust or other explosive - gas mixture

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