swear by god meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "swear by god" in a sentence
  • swear:    vi. 1.立誓,发誓,宣誓 (by; on; upon ...
  • god:    n. 1.〔G-〕 上帝,造物主。 2.〔有时作 G-〕 ...
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  1. Your children have forsaken me and sworn by gods that are not gods
  2. 22 and he who swears by heaven swears by god ' s throne and by the one who sits on it
  3. But the king will rejoice in god ; all who swear by god ' s name will praise him , while the mouths of liars will be silenced
  4. If any one hire an ox , and god strike it that it die , the man who hired it shall swear by god and be considered guiltless
  5. And he also rebelled against king nebuchadnezzar , who had made him swear by god : but he stiffened his neck , and hardened his heart from turning unto the lord god of israel

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        swear:    vi. 1.立誓,发誓,宣誓 (by; on; upon ...
        god:    n. 1.〔G-〕 上帝,造物主。 2.〔有时作 G-〕 ...
        i swear by the god:    我对天发誓
        a swear:    一个誓言
        swear:    vi. 1.立誓,发誓,宣誓 (by; on; upon); 〔口语〕断言。 ...
        swear at:    诅咒, 与...不协调
        swear by:    对...发誓, 信赖; 极其相信
        swear for:    保证
        swear in:    宣誓就职
        swear on:    按著、摸著某物起誓; 凭...发誓
        swear to:    断言
        a god:    是天神
        be with god:    见上帝
        by god:    天啊
        god:    n. 1.〔G-〕 上帝,造物主。 2.〔有时作 G-〕神;男神(opp. ...


  1. swear and take an oath in Chinese
  2. swear at in Chinese
  3. swear at sb in Chinese
  4. swear black is white in Chinese
  5. swear by in Chinese
  6. swear by heaven in Chinese
  7. swear by the heaven and sun as witness in Chinese
  8. swear by the sun in Chinese
  9. swear by the sun and sky in Chinese
  10. swear for in Chinese
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