string of pearls meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "string of pearls" in a sentence
  • string:    n. 1.线,带,绳子;〔美国〕鞋带〔又作 shoe-s ...
  • pearl:    n., =purl2.
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  1. The woman wore a string of pearls around her neck
    那女人脖子上挂了一串珍珠项? 。
  2. She wears a string of pearls around her neck
  3. Sorry , this string of pearls is on display , and not for sale
  4. He was charmed by the pale face , the lissome figure , draped in pearl grey , with a coiled string of pearls at the throat
  5. It turned out to be the main component of the most obvious and unusual thing in the whole scene : tiny spherules that littered the plains as far as the camera could see , as if hundreds of strings of pearls had broken and scattered their beads across a flat floor

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