stomach flu meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "stomach flu" in a sentence   "stomach flu" meaning
  • stomach:    n. 1.胃。 2.〔口语〕肚子。 3.胃口,食欲;嗜好 ...
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  1. Right now it feels like a stomach flu
  2. Right now it feels like a stomach flu
  3. Bryant suffered a bruised left shoulder after a hard fall against denver , and was not himself after coming down with the stomach flu before tuesday ' s game
  4. For viral infections , including stomach flu ( gastroenteritis ) and mononucleosis , the best treatment is often rest and plenty of fluids

Related Words


  1. stomach drops in Chinese
  2. stomach embrace in Chinese
  3. stomach end in Chinese
  4. stomach evacuator in Chinese
  5. stomach fire in Chinese
  6. stomach flu gastroenteritis in Chinese
  7. stomach fluid in Chinese
  8. stomach flukd in Chinese
  9. stomach force in Chinese
  10. stomach forceps in Chinese
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