solidary meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "solidary" in a sentence   "solidary" meaning
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  1. Richard rorty ' s solidary pragmatism
  2. The subcontractor warrants that his agents will undertake a solidary obligation to the contractor
  3. A person subject to solidary liability may recover a contribution from any other person liable to the victim in respect of the same damage
  4. “ huaxin people ” take “ solidary , pioneering , practical , innovative ” as spirit and quality as life , keep promise , reform continuously , keep improving , and work hard
  5. Where persons are subject to solidary liability , the victim may claim full compensation from any one or more of them , provided that the victim may not recover more than the full amount of the damage suffered by him

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  5. solidarnosc in Chinese
  6. solidary country front in Chinese
  7. solidasity trade union in Chinese
  8. solidati in Chinese
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