samoyeds meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "samoyeds" in a sentence
  • samoyed:     Samoyed(e) n. 1.(西伯利亚西 ...
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  1. Samoyeds were first shown at the leeds show in 1893 in the foreign dog class
  2. Lovely white russian ( samoyed ) sledge dog pups , like small polar bears , most gentle and affectionate . splendid coats and tails . very rare . parents imported
  3. Failure to conduct oneself in compliance with the code of ethics shall be considered prejudicial to the best interests of the samoyed breed
    没有管理好自己的行为以服从这个道德规范,将会被优秀的萨摩繁殖者排斥(不遵守道德规范,你就不是好的繁殖者) 。
  4. The white dog with the smiling face , the dog we know as the samoyed , came to the attention of western civilization through the noted norwegian explorer dr . fridtjof nansen

Related Words


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  5. samoyedic languages in Chinese
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  10. samp l kup in Chinese
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