refractive error meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "refractive error" in a sentence   "refractive error" meaning
  • refractive:    adj. 折射(光线等)的,有屈折[折射]力的。 ref ...
  • error:    n. 1.错误;失错。 2.谬见,误想;误信;误解。 3 ...
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  1. To understand what refractive surgery does , we need to first know what a refractive error is
  2. Eye that has refractive error equal or greater than - 6 . 0 diopters 600 degrees is classified as " high myopia "
  3. Eye that has refractive error equal or greater than - 6 . 0 diopters ( 600 degrees ) is classified as " high myopia "
  4. Laser in situ keratomileusis ( lasik ) is an effective surgical procedure to correct refractive error
  5. The axial elongation has a familial tendency and is present commonly with refractive errors greater than - 6 . 0d

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