ratooning meaning in Chinese

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  1. Evaluation method of ratooning ability of mid - season hybrid rice
  2. Relationships among yield , yield components and some features of ratooning rice
  3. The research progresses on ratooning rice and ratooning utilization of super hybrid rice were reviewed
  4. The result showed that the photosynthetic capability and root activity of the main rice in its later growth stage had significant effects on the development of ratooning buds
  5. Five hybrid rice combinations which are suitable for ratooning rice farming were used to study the effects of growth characters of the main rice on growth and development of ratooning buds

Related Words


  1. ratonyi in Chinese
  2. ratoon in Chinese
  3. ratoon planter in Chinese
  4. ratoon stunting disease in Chinese
  5. ratoon; rattoon in Chinese
  6. ratooning rice in Chinese
  7. rator in Chinese
  8. ratosi in Chinese
  9. ratoslav in Chinese
  10. ratot in Chinese
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