oat grass meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "oat grass" in a sentence   "oat grass" meaning
  • oat:    n. 1.〔常 pl.〕 【植物;植物学】燕麦,雀麦。 ...
  • grass:    n. 1.草;牧草;牧草地,牧场;草地,草原。 2.〔p ...
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  1. The dioxin levels in local pastures are also much higher than those found in imported grass varieties , such as alfalfa hay , bermuda grass and oat grass , which contain less than 0 . 3 ng / kg of dioxin , according to the study
    根据这份研究,本地牧草的戴奥辛含量也高出进口牧草许多,像是苜蓿、百慕达草、燕麦草等进口牧草的戴奥辛含量多在0 . 3奈克公斤以下。

Related Words

        oat:    n. 1.〔常 pl.〕 【植物;植物学】燕麦,雀麦。 ...
        grass:    n. 1.草;牧草;牧草地,牧场;草地,草原。 2.〔p ...
        downy oat grass:    穗序三毛草
        false oat grass:    燕麦草
        golden oat grass:    黄燕麦草
        oat:    n. 1.〔常 pl.〕 【植物;植物学】燕麦,雀麦。 ★ oats 是马的 ...
        at grass:    在地面上
        be at grass:    在放牧中, 闲着
        grass:    n. 1.草;牧草;牧草地,牧场;草地,草原。 2.〔pl.〕 【植物;植物 ...
        on the grass:    在草地上
        with grass:    以草喂
        blackhull oat:    黑壳燕麦
        common oat:    普通燕麦
        curled oat:    燕麦饼干
        feed oat:    饲用燕麦


  1. oat cylinder in Chinese
  2. oat extract in Chinese
  3. oat feed unit in Chinese
  4. oat flakes in Chinese
  5. oat flour in Chinese
  6. oat groat cutter in Chinese
  7. oat groats in Chinese
  8. oat hair ball in Chinese
  9. oat hay poisoning in Chinese
  10. oat hull in Chinese
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