oary meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "oary" in a sentence   "oary" meaning
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  1. Oulation is the release of an egg from a woman ' s oary eery month
  2. It could be , she says , that certain women hae slow - growing tumors that cause symptoms for months while contained in the oary , while others hae tumors that grow and spread so quickly that early detection is impossible

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  1. oarsmanship in Chinese
  2. oarsmen in Chinese
  3. oarswoman in Chinese
  4. oart in Chinese
  5. oarusib river in Chinese
  6. oas in Chinese
  7. oas chronicle in Chinese
  8. oas electoral observation mission in Chinese
  9. oas mts in Chinese
  10. oas oceanic automation system in Chinese
PC Version한국어简体繁體Definition