metasomatism meaning in Chinese

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  1. Further imbrication, folding and metasomatism of the ultrabasic rocks occurred at this time .
  2. Polarity in metasomatism
  3. Discussion on the lithospheric thinning of the north china craton : delamination ? or thermal erosion and chemical metasomatism
  4. The tantalite mineralisation at portee appears to be associated with quartz core zones , zones of k - metasomatism and with eluvial concentrations
    钽铁矿的矿物性质是由石英核心带、 k长石同化矿带和残积层部分组合而成的。
  5. The daiqianshan intrusion has the same source with other mafic rocks exposed in southeastern china , which had been experienced metasomatism before emplacement

Related Words


  1. metasomatic texture in Chinese
  2. metasomatic vein in Chinese
  3. metasomaticdeposit in Chinese
  4. metasomaticrelicttexture in Chinese
  5. metasomatile deposits in Chinese
  6. metasomatite in Chinese
  7. metasomatose in Chinese
  8. metasomatosis in Chinese
  9. metasome in Chinese
  10. metastabilite in Chinese
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