medical evidence meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "medical evidence" in a sentence
  • medical:    adj. 1.医学的,医术的;医疗的;医师的。 2.医药 ...
  • evidence:    n. 1.根据,证据。 2.形迹,迹象,痕迹。 3.【法 ...
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  1. He was thirty-six years old, and according to the medical evidence he was dying .
  2. Some recent medical evidence has linked testosterone supplements with prostate cancer
  3. Medical evidence was called to prove that the murdered girl had been brutally interfered with
  4. Medical evidence was called to prove that the murdered girl had been brutally interfere with
  5. Actually , the medical evidence and drug categorization of the state relies selectively on specific " advanced country "

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  2. medical evacuation {= medevac in Chinese
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  4. medical evaluation of hearing problem in Chinese
  5. medical evaluation of therapeutic order in Chinese
  6. medical examination in Chinese
  7. medical examination board in Chinese
  8. medical examination center in Chinese
  9. medical examination of athletes in Chinese
  10. medical examination report for drivers in Chinese
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