meaninglessly meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "meaninglessly" in a sentence   "meaninglessly" meaning
adv. 无意义地;无目的地;无道理地
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  1. your time and energy will then be wasted meaninglessly
  2. by the great strategies of our strategists meaninglessly and irresponsibly
  3. by the great strategies of our strategists meaninglessly and irresponsibly
  4. awful, the millions of meaningless legs prancing meaninglessly around
  5. ill oppositionise them nikolay muttered meaninglessly, choking with irrational animal rage and desire to vent that rage on some one . without considering what he was going to do, unconsciously, he moved with a rapid, resolute step up to the crowd

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  1. meaningfulnesses in Chinese
  2. meaningless figures in Chinese
  3. meaningless instruction in Chinese
  4. meaningless proposition in Chinese
  5. meaningless to in Chinese
  6. meaninglessness in Chinese
  7. meaninglessnesses in Chinese
  8. meaningness in Chinese
  9. meanings in Chinese
  10. meanish in Chinese
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