key bolt meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "key bolt" in a sentence   "key bolt" meaning
  • key:    n. 礁,暗礁(=cay, quay)。
  • bolt:    n. 筛子。 vt. 1.筛。 2.淘汰;筛选。 3.〔 ...
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  1. Combines with a concrete subject , this paper , composed of seven chapers , makes a deep analysis on theory and experiment of key bolt fastening of engine . the first chapter presents the theory of tightening technology of the available bolt the second chapter gives a narrating about tighten technology availably in survey . pointing that the nature of torque control is axis preload

Related Words

        key:    n. 礁,暗礁(=cay, quay)。
        bolt:    n. 筛子。 vt. 1.筛。 2.淘汰;筛选。 3.〔 ...
        key-bolt:    螺杆销
        eye bolt and key:    带插销螺栓
        key head bolt:    键头螺栓
        reverse key head bolt:    回动键头螺钉
        bolt:    n. 1.螺钉,螺栓。 2.(门窗等的)插销;闩,锁簧。 3.箭,矢;弩箭; ...
        bolt on:    把紧螺栓; 螺栓紧固
        bolt-on:    adj. (设计得)可上栓锁的。
        t bolt:    t型螺栓; t形螺栓; t字头螺栓; 字头螺栓
        t-bolt:    t型螺栓; t形螺栓; 丁字螺栓; 形螺栓
        to bolt on:    用螺栓紧固
        be the key to:    对......至关重要
        key:    n. 1.钥匙。 2.要害,关口,要冲。 3.关键,线索,秘诀;解法。 4. ...
        key in:    插上; 键盘输入; 键入; 输入


  1. key block in Chinese
  2. key board in Chinese
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