insurance accounting meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "insurance accounting" in a sentence
  • insurance:    n. 1.安全保障。 2.保险,保险业。 3.保险单〔通 ...
  • accounting:    n. 1.会计;会计学。 2.账;记账;清算账目。 短语 ...
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  1. Comment on individual insurance account
  2. Napier also has a contract to deliver an msc in insurance accounting to the southwest university of finance and economics in chengdu
  3. A former agent of an insurance company was sentenced to 220 hours of community service for misappropriating funds from the insurance accounts of his clients
  4. Because of the particularity and complexity of insurance management , our country should establish the insurance accounting standards to be on speaking terms
  5. All the settlement compensation and some of soil compensation go to the special social insurance accounts of the right departments , and go to the private accounts of the farmers

Related Words


  1. insurance - customer service in Chinese
  2. insurance - insurance broker in Chinese
  3. insurance - sales in Chinese
  4. insurance abandonment in Chinese
  5. insurance account in Chinese
  6. insurance act in Chinese
  7. insurance acts committee in Chinese
  8. insurance actuary in Chinese
  9. insurance adjuster in Chinese
  10. insurance advisory committee in Chinese
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