imperceptive meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "imperceptive" in a sentence   "imperceptive" meaning
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  1. Experimental results demonstrate that the algorithms are robust and imperceptive at the attack of noise stain , low - pass filtering and sampling again
  2. I don ' t even see any relief after a month , but the athena 7 minute lift ? immediately seemed to remove the wrinkles , made them smoother , softer and the folds around my nose were almost imperceptive

Related Words


  1. imperceptible pulse in Chinese
  2. imperceptibleness in Chinese
  3. imperceptibly in Chinese
  4. imperceptiblyinsensibly in Chinese
  5. imperception in Chinese
  6. imperceptiveness in Chinese
  7. imperceptivity in Chinese
  8. impercipience in Chinese
  9. impercipient in Chinese
  10. imperegnate in Chinese
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