hook screw meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "hook screw" in a sentence
  • hook:    n. 1.钩;铁钩;吊钩(=pothook);针钩;镰刀 ...
  • screw:    n. 1.螺旋;螺钉。 2.螺旋桨;暗轮。 3.暗轮轮船 ...
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  1. Remove the throat plate , loosen hook screw 6 and adjust the hook
    调整旋梭时,请卸下针板,拧松旋梭固定螺丝6 ,然后进行调整。
  2. Problems in using screw - crane in fields and water resources engineering were analysed with examples of engineering project . based on this , a method was presented . by using double - hook screw - crane and connecting two screw - cranes by an intermediate bearing and a gear coupling , the problem of inefficiency in door - closing was solved . the double - hook screw - crane could work synchronously

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