garbage can meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "garbage can" in a sentence   "garbage can" meaning
[truck] 垃圾箱[车]。
  • garbage:    n. 1.残羹剩菜;丢弃的食物;〔美俚〕食品。 2.废料 ...
  • can:    n. 1.〔美国〕罐头,听头(=〔英国〕tin);(装液 ...
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  1. Put the lid on the garbage can .
  2. Garbage can also be a good source for making building blocks .
  3. Hermetic garbage cans , garbage towers and garbage bags
  4. Yuri , there are men going through our garbage cans
    尤里. . .有人朝我们的垃圾箱走来
  5. Waiters put their leftovers in the garbage can

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  1. garbage barge in Chinese
  2. garbage bin in Chinese
  3. garbage boat in Chinese
  4. garbage box in Chinese
  5. garbage burner in Chinese
  6. garbage can lined with plastic bag in Chinese
  7. garbage can washer in Chinese
  8. garbage cell address stack in Chinese
  9. garbage chamber in Chinese
  10. garbage characters in Chinese
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