flaxseed meaning in Chinese

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  1. Research into a new process for extraction of flaxseed gum
  2. Got off lightly with illness compared . only measles . flaxseed tea
  3. Other interesting additions include menhaden herring meal , flaxseed meal , yogurt , dried kelp , vegetables , and cranberries
  4. Fish is the most concentrated source , but some plant foods , for example seaweed , flaxseed and walnuts are also good sources
    鱼是- 3脂肪酸最大的来源,海藻亚麻子和胡桃等植物性食品中的含量也很丰富。
  5. Eat lots of fresh fruit , salads and veggies . include fish in the diet as much as possible . take a supplement containing flaxseed oil or evening primrose oil
    食用大量的新鲜水果、沙拉及蔬菜。尽量在菜单中加入鱼类。摄取含有亚麻子油或樱草花油( ? )的补充品。

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