feed meaning in Chinese

[ fi:d ] Pronunciation:   "feed" in a sentence   "feed" meaning
fee 的过去式及过去分词。vt.
2.喂养,饲养,使吃草,放牧(家畜),用…作牧场 (down).
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  1. It is fed into the grid at this voltage .
  2. Just feed her on facts all the time .
  3. We stopped to let the horses to have a feed .
  4. It does n't pay to grow feed crops on such good soil .
  5. The cows were feeding on hay in the barn .

Related Words

        a feed in:    进
        be on the feed:    鱼在找吃
        feed in:    插入; 馈入/进给的/进料的; 输入,进(料); 输入,进(料)
        feed on:    喂养,饲养; 以…为生; 以...为食, 以...为能源; 以…为食;靠…而 ...
        feed to:    供应给
        feed with:    加上; 维持生活靠; 向……供给; 用…喂
        feed … into:    把……供给; 把……馈人; 把……送人
        feed-in:    n. 【电学】馈入。 2.n. 施食(集会)。 3.adj. 【机械工程】进 ...
        feed…on:    给(人或物)食物; 给食物; 用……喂养
        feed…to:    喂…吃
        on feed:    喂精料的; 正在催肥的
        on the feed:    在进食, 在觅食
        to feed:    馈送,供给
        to feed on:    以…为食
        feed on feed on:    以…为食物


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  2. feeca in Chinese
  3. feecback quantezation in Chinese
  4. feecode in Chinese
  5. feecommission combinationn in Chinese
  6. feed a baby in Chinese
  7. feed a baby at the treast in Chinese
  8. feed a bonfire in Chinese
  9. feed a cold and starve a fever in Chinese
  10. feed a dog in Chinese
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