faced block meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "faced block" in a sentence   "faced block" meaning
  • faced:    adj. 〔多用以组成复合词〕具有…脸型的,有…表面的, ...
  • block:    n. 1.片,块,大块;粗料,毛料;木料;石料;金属块; ...
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  1. Split face block
  2. The study was focused on the deformation of the retaining wall and the internal forces in the reinforcements and the object of study included the effects of the vertical excitation , the reinforcement length , the reinforcement spacing , the weight of the facing blocks , the frictions between soil and facing blocks as well as those between two facing blocks

Related Words

        faced:    adj. 〔多用以组成复合词〕具有…脸型的,有…表面的, ...
        block:    n. 1.片,块,大块;粗料,毛料;木料;石料;金属块; ...
        be faced with:    面临…
        faced:    adj. 〔多用以组成复合词〕具有…脸型的,有…表面的,有…贴边的。 a m ...
        faced-in:    双列内向牛舍
        baby-faced:    年轻而纯真的
        bald faced:    脸白; 脸上有白斑; 无掩饰
        bald-faced:    adj. (动物)脸上有白斑的;厚颜无耻的。
        beet-faced:    adj. 鲜红的,红色的。
        black faced:    黑脸色
        black-faced:    adj. 1.脸黑的;愁眉苦脸的,忧郁的。 2.【印刷】粗黑体的。
        blunt faced:    钝头的
        blunt-faced:    钝头的
        bold-faced:    adj. 1.厚颜无耻的,冒失的。 2.卤莽的。 3.【印刷】黑体的,粗体的 ...
        brazen-faced:    adj. 厚颜无耻的。


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