enunciation meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "enunciation" in a sentence   "enunciation" meaning
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  1. Be good at communicating , sense of responsibility , the work is careful , the enunciation is clear
  2. His voice was cold , sharp , and final , his lips stamping the enunciation of each word like the die of a machine
  3. Apply the result enunciation , the article put forward of the participant define a method can biggest to build up the participant define of vivid , have a good applied foreground
  4. The enunciation in intercourse is bright , report is sensitive , abound the person of sense of humor is welcome , want such , want importantly to have power of meet an emergency
  5. Engage them in frequent conversations and express yourself courageously . it ' s all right to be a chatterbox when you are learning to master the art of vocal enunciation . the writer is assistant manager , corporate relations , sph

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  3. enunciable in Chinese
  4. enunciate in Chinese
  5. enunciate clearly in Chinese
  6. enunciative in Chinese
  7. enunciator in Chinese
  8. enuncio in Chinese
  9. enure in Chinese
  10. enuresis in Chinese
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