do credit to meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "do credit to" in a sentence
  • do:    n. 【音乐】(全音阶的)第一音, do 音。
  • credit:    n. 1.信用,信任。 2.名誉,名望,声望。 3.赞扬 ...
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  1. This piece of work will do credit to you
  2. This piece of work will do credit to you
  3. You do credit to your family
  4. I do not dispute that , but there is no denying that the court privileges did attain the same object , said prince andrey . every courtier thought himself bound to do credit to his position
    “我不争辩,但不能否认,宫廷的优越地位和权力达到了同样的目的, ”安德烈公爵说, “每个朝臣都认为自己应当名副其实地履行职务。 ”
  5. The owner did not wait for a second invitation . he seized a rope which dant s flung to him , and with an activity that would have done credit to a sailor , climbed up the side of the ship , while the young man , going to his task , left the conversation to danglars , who now came towards the owner

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  1. do communication more in Chinese
  2. do con nam in Chinese
  3. do considerable business in Chinese
  4. do cooking in Chinese
  5. do corresponding publicity work in Chinese
  6. do damage to in Chinese
  7. do damped oscillation in Chinese
  8. do data out in Chinese
  9. do data output in Chinese
  10. do decimal to octal in Chinese
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