cystic degeneration meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "cystic degeneration" in a sentence
  • cystic:    adj. 1.膀胱的;胆囊的。 2.胞的,囊的。 3.胞 ...
  • degeneration:    n. 1.退步;恶化。 2.颓废,堕落。 3.【生理】变 ...
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  2. cystic corpus luteum in Chinese
  3. cystic cough in Chinese
  4. cystic cranioschisis in Chinese
  5. cystic cystitis in Chinese
  6. cystic degeneration of lacrimal gland in Chinese
  7. cystic degeneration of lungs in Chinese
  8. cystic degeneration of macula in Chinese
  9. cystic degeneration of retina in Chinese
  10. cystic degeneration of sinus of nose in Chinese
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