coracoid meaning in Chinese

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  1. Operative treatment of severe fresh acromicoclavicular dislocation by wire - loop fixation of the coracoid and clavicle
  2. Surgical treatment of severe acromioclavicular dislocation by wire cerclage and kirschner wire fixation of the coracoid and clavicle
  3. Reconstruction of coracoclavicular ligament with coracoid transplantation in treatment of acromioclavicular dislocation of degree and distal end fracture of clavicle

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  1. coracobrachialis in Chinese
  2. coracobrachialis muscle in Chinese
  3. coracoclavicular in Chinese
  4. coracoclavicular fascia in Chinese
  5. coracoclavicular ligament in Chinese
  6. coracoid bar in Chinese
  7. coracoid bone in Chinese
  8. coracoid bursa in Chinese
  9. coracoid fenestra in Chinese
  10. coracoid foramen in Chinese
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