conformers meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "conformers" in a sentence
(conformer 的复数) [化] 构象异构体
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  1. they are said to be conformational isomers also called conformers .
  2. systematic characterization of glycine conformers via density functional theory
  3. applications of infrared spectroscopy in the structural study of poly ( ethylene terephthalate ) ( pet ) fibers in recent years have been reviewed . some techniques of sample preparation for infrared measurement have been introduced . characterizations and applications of the structural parameters, such as conformers contents, chain orientation, folded chain contents, and the relationship between these parameters and yarn properties haven been summarized

Related Words


  1. conformatures in Chinese
  2. conforme in Chinese
  3. conformed in Chinese
  4. conformed dimension in Chinese
  5. conformed to in Chinese
  6. conformes in Chinese
  7. conforming application in Chinese
  8. conforming finite element in Chinese
  9. conforming interpolation in Chinese
  10. conforming loan limit in Chinese
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