The nationality schools in bdae - chena should conduct courses of studying practical techniques to develop an education combining knowledge with technology as well as to prepare students for either continuing school education or taking up occupations 二,迪庆藏区民族学校应增设实用技术课程,发展学用结合的民族学校教育,并帮助学生做好升学或就业两种准备。
After continental breakfast depart hotel for a sternwheeler cruise . join a third generation riverboat for a cruise on the only authentic operating sternwheeler in alaska , the discovery . on a scenic 20 - mile roundtrip cruise down the chena and tanana rivers , enjoy a lively narration as you view a bush plane s performance , log homes , and a trapper s cabin 费尔班克是阿拉斯加第二大城,走访大学博物馆及植物园参观麝香牛养殖场,可约略了解阿拉斯加动植物生态及人文历史经过费尔班克城郊的阿拉斯加油管,随著地势起伏蜿蜒,消失在天际。
Iii . the nationality school education in bdae - chena should take root in nationality culture and promote the spreading and the progress of nationality culture in harmonious cooperation with religious education , thereby open a new way for nationality education to meet the demands of the people and the society 三,迪庆藏区民族学校教育要扎根于民族文化,同时与寺院教育相辅相成、互为补充,促进藏区民族文化的传承与发展,走出一条适合民族成员及藏区社会发展要求的教育之路。