1. 爆燃过程 deflagration
  2. 爆玉米花 pop corn
  3. 爆破 blow up
  4. 爆破手 dynamiter
  5. 爆破敌人的碉堡 blow up an enemy pillbox
  6. 爆破炸弹 demolition bomb
  7. 爆破筒 torpedo
  8. 爆破英雄 demolition hero
  9. 爆破音 plosive
  10. 爆竹 firecracker
  11. 爆竹嘣地一响 The firecracker went bang.
  12. 爆竹声中除旧岁 A year ends amidst the crepi...
  13. 爆竹报喜 announce some good news,lett...
  14. 爆竹报春 Firecrackers exploded,procla...
  15. 爆竹没响 The firecracker didn't go of...
  16. 爆竹花 firecracker
  17. 爆竹迎新 Firecrackers are being let o...
  18. 爆米花 puffed rice
  19. 爆肚 cooked tripe of sheep or swi...
  20. 爆裂 burst
  21. 爆裂作用 decrepitation
  22. 爆裂地震 explosion-earthquake
  23. 爆裂型玉米 popcorn
  24. 爆裂声 crackle
  25. 爆鸣 detonation
  26. 爆鸣器 detonator
  27. 爆鸣气 Grison
  28. set fire to
  29. cook over a slow fire
  30. fire sunlight
  31. flame
  32. torch
  33. light a fire
  34. cook
  35. 爨谷 Cuan Gu
  36. fingernail
  37. 爪儿 paw of a small animal foot o...
  38. 爪凿 claw chisel
  39. 爪卡盘 dog chuck
  40. 爪哇 Java
  41. 爪子 claw
  42. 爪尖儿 pig's trotters
  43. 爪片 clavus
  44. 爪牙 talons and fangs
  45. 爪牙鹰犬 lackeys and hired ruffians
  46. 爪簧 pawl spring
  47. crawl
  48. 爬上 climb
  49. 爬上河堤 climb up to the top of the d...
  50. 爬了很多层楼梯 mount many stairs

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