1. 燥咳 cough caused by dryness
  2. 燥气 pathogenic dryness
  3. 燥湿 eliminating dampness
  4. 燥火 dryness-heat
  5. 燥热 hot and dry dryness-heat
  6. 燥热咳嗽 cough caused by dryness-heat
  7. 燥痉 convulsive seizure due to pa...
  8. 燥结 constipation
  9. 燥者濡之 Dryness syndrome should be t...
  10. 燥胜则干 domination of dryness bringi...
  11. 燥邪 dryness evil
  12. 燥邪犯肺 dryness affecting lung
  13. flint beacon fire
  14. 燧木取火 get fire from wood by fricti...
  15. 燧石 flint
  16. 燧石化 chertification
  17. 燧石岩 silexite
  18. 燧石工 flintworker
  19. 燧石状土 flint clay
  20. 燧石玻璃 flintglass
  21. 燧石砾 flint graval
  22. 燧石砾岩 chat
  23. 燧石磨 flint mill
  24. 燧石质 cherty
  25. 燧石镞 fairy arrow
  26. regulated
  27. 燮和 living in harmony
  28. 燮玄图 Xie Xuantu
  29. 燮理 well-regulated
  30. 燮理阴阳 adjust the dual power of neg...
  31. wild fire flames of war
  32. 燿同 "耀"
  33. explode
  34. 爆了个冷门 That was a surprise hit.
  35. 爆出冷门 produce an unexpected winner
  36. 爆发 erupt
  37. 爆满 be packed
  38. 爆炒牛肚儿 quick-fried tripe
  39. 爆炸 explode
  40. 爆炸一个核装置 detonate a nuclear device
  41. 爆炸加工 explosion working
  42. 爆炸声把全城的人从睡梦中惊醒 The explosion started the wh...
  43. 爆炸性新闻 startling news
  44. 爆炸性的局势 an explosive situation
  45. 爆炸成型 explosive forming
  46. 爆炸成形 explosive forming
  47. 爆炸成形法 Aeroform method
  48. 爆燃 detonation
  49. 爆燃仪 knockmeter
  50. 爆燃比 explosion ratio

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