1. 痛得她额头上爆出一颗颗汗珠子 Beads of pain broke out on h...
  2. 痛得我吃不消 The pain is more than I can ...
  3. 痛得打滚 writhe with pain
  4. 痛得晕过去 swoon with pain
  5. 痛得流泪 weep with pain
  6. 痛得直叫 shout with pain
  7. 痛心 pained
  8. 痛心切齿 gnash one's teeth with anger
  9. 痛心疾首 heartache and headache -- wi...
  10. 痛快 very happy
  11. 痛快一时 have an uproarious time
  12. 痛快淋漓 be filled with joy
  13. 痛恨 hate bitterly
  14. 痛恨在心 cherish a bitter hatred in t...
  15. 痛恶 bitterly detest
  16. 痛悔 lament
  17. 痛悔前非 deeply regret one's mistakes
  18. 痛惜 deeply regret
  19. 痛惜前非 repent deeply one's past
  20. 痛惜这一巨大损失 lament this great loss
  21. 痛感 keenly feel
  22. 痛感自己知识不足 keenly feel one's lack of kn...
  23. 痛打 beat mercilessly
  24. 痛打一顿 give sb. a sound thrashing
  25. 痛打落水狗 flog the cur that's fallen i...
  26. 痛抱丧明 mourning for the death of on...
  27. 痛揍一顿 give sb. what for -- a thoro...
  28. 痛改前非 thoroughly rectify one's err...
  29. 痛斥 vehemently denounce
  30. 痛斥谬论 sharply denounce a fallacy
  31. 痛楚 pain
  32. 痛殴 mill
  33. 痛疚 keenly feel compunction
  34. 痛痒 sufferings
  35. 痛痒相关 Pain and itch are closely co...
  36. 痛痛快快 simple and direct
  37. 痛经 algomenorrhea
  38. 痛自悔改 show deep repentance
  39. 痛苦 pain
  40. 痛苦万状 inflict untold suffering on....
  41. 痛苦的回忆 a painful recollection
  42. 痛觉 algesia
  43. 痛责 scold severely
  44. 痛阈 feeling threshold
  45. 痛风 arthrolithiasis
  46. 痛饮 drink one's fill
  47. 痛饮黄龙 We'll march straight to Huan...
  48. 痛骂 scold severely
  49. 痛骂一顿 break into a torrent of abus...
  50. a lump in the abdomen ruffia...

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