1. 痒疹 prurigo
  2. 痒病 itch
  3. 痒痒 itch
  4. haemorrhoids
  5. 痔切除术 haemorrhoidectomy
  6. 痔漏 anal fistula
  7. 痔漏外敷法 compress of anal fistula
  8. 痔灼除术 haemorrhoidolysis
  9. 痔疮 piles
  10. mark
  11. 痕迹 mark
  12. 痕量 trace
  13. 痕量元素 accessory element
  14. 痕量分析 trace analysis
  15. 痕量化学 trace chemistry
  16. 痕量杂质 trace impurity
  17. 痕量组分 trace component
  18. 痕量金属 trace metal
  19. fall sick
  20. smallpox pox
  21. 痘浆 vaccine lymph
  22. 痘浆法 wet variolation
  23. 痘疮 variola
  24. 痘疱 pock pustule
  25. 痘症 variola
  26. 痘痕 pockmark
  27. 痘苗 vaccine
  28. 痘苗病毒 vaccinia virus
  29. 痛上加辱 add insult to injury
  30. 痛不可忍 unbearably painful
  31. 痛不可支 The pain is unsupportable.
  32. 痛不欲生 was so overwhelmed with grie...
  33. 痛乃逾甚 Then the pain became even mo...
  34. 痛入心髓 ache in the heart and bones
  35. 痛击 bitterly hit
  36. 痛击侵略者 strike a relentless blow at ...
  37. 痛击敌人 attack the enemy mercilessly...
  38. 痛切 with intense sorrow
  39. 痛切陈词 make a deeply felt plea
  40. 痛加斥责 scold sharply
  41. 痛哭 cry bitterly
  42. 痛哭一场 have a good cry
  43. 痛哭失声 be choked with tears
  44. 痛哭欲绝 cry one's heart out
  45. 痛哭流涕 shed bitter tears
  46. 痛处 sore spot
  47. 痛定思痛 recall past pain -- as a war...
  48. 痛尚平 Tong Shangping
  49. 痛彻心肝 Sorrow goes into the heart a...
  50. 痛彻肺腑 cut sb. to the heart

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