1. 病笃乱投医 turn to whatever doctor one ...
  2. 病老归西 die of old age
  3. 病脉 abnormal pulse
  4. 病色 sickly complexion
  5. 病菌 zymad
  6. 病菌会侵入机体 Germs invade the organism. a...
  7. 病菌会侵入肌体 Germs invade the organism.
  8. 病菌传播 pathogen transmission
  9. 病菌出口 portal of exit
  10. 病菌扩散 proliferation of germs
  11. 病虫害 plant diseases and insect pe...
  12. 病虫害防治 pest control
  13. 病虫害防治技术 techniques of pest control
  14. 病虫害防除方法 pest control method
  15. 病证 disease
  16. 病质药 nosode
  17. 病退 retire from office because o...
  18. 病逝 die of an illness
  19. 病院 specialized hospital
  20. 病骸 ailing body
  21. 病魔 serious illness
  22. 病魔缠身 suffering from constant chro...
  23. disease
  24. 症候 symptom pentad
  25. 症状 symptom
  26. 症瘕 abdominal mass
  27. 症结 crux
  28. 症结所在 the crux
  29. carbuncle
  30. 痈疡 large carbuncle
  31. 痈疡剂 prescriptions for boil and c...
  32. 痈疽 ulcer
  33. 痉挛 convulsion
  34. 痉挛性 spastic
  35. 痉挛性截瘫 spastic paraplegia
  36. 痉挛性斜视 spastic strabismus
  37. 痉挛性歪颈 spasmodic torticolts
  38. 痉挛性肠梗阻 dynamic ileus
  39. 痉挛性腹痛 spasmodic colic
  40. 痉挛性麻痹 spastic paralysis
  41. 痉挛状态 spasticity
  42. 痉病 febrile disease with symptom...
  43. 痉笑 risus caninus
  44. 痉证 spasm syndrome
  45. 痉语 logoklony
  46. recover from an illness
  47. 痊愈 recure
  48. wound
  49. sore
  50. itch

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