1. 病情凶险 dangerously ill
  2. 病情危笃 be dangerously ill
  3. 病情好转 The patient is on the mend.
  4. 病情学 nosography
  5. 病情恶化 the worsening of illness
  6. 病情指数 disease index
  7. 病情检查 work-up
  8. 病情沉重 critically ill
  9. 病情记录 pathography
  10. 病情逐日好转 The patient's condition is i...
  11. 病情险恶 be dangerously ill
  12. 病情骤变 apostasis
  13. 病愈 recover
  14. 病愈出院 be discharged from hospital ...
  15. 病愈没有后遗症 recover without any aftereff...
  16. 病房 ward
  17. 病故 die of an illness
  18. 病斑 scab
  19. 病期 stadium
  20. 病期带菌者 active carrier
  21. 病机 interpretation of the cause,...
  22. 病根 the lingering effect of a ch...
  23. 病案 medical record
  24. 病案室 record room
  25. 病案簿 casebook
  26. 病案讨论 casuistics
  27. 病榻 sickbed
  28. 病死 die of illness
  29. 病死率 case fatality rate
  30. 病殁 die of illness
  31. 病残患者 disabled or deformed
  32. 病毒 virus
  33. 病毒性 viral
  34. 病毒性感冒 virus flu
  35. 病毒性肝炎 virus hepatitis
  36. 病毒性肺炎 viral pneumonia
  37. 病源 cause of a disease
  38. 病灶 focus
  39. 病灶感染 focal infection
  40. 病状 symptom
  41. 病理 pathology
  42. 病理学 nosology
  43. 病理心理学 pathopsychology
  44. 病理语言学 clinical linguistic
  45. 病症 malady
  46. 病痛 slight illness
  47. 病程 course of disease
  48. 病程异常 acosmia
  49. 病窟 latibulum
  50. 病笃 be dangerously ill

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