1. 放像室 video-film room
  2. 放像机 videoplayer
  3. 放像镜 magnascope
  4. 放光彩 iridescence
  5. 放入 introduction
  6. 放养 put in a suitable place to b...
  7. 放养密度 released density
  8. 放养比例 ratio of stocking
  9. 放养规格 stocking size
  10. 放养过密 overstock
  11. 放养鱼秧 breed fish fry
  12. 放冷枪 fire sniper's shot
  13. 放冷箭 injure insidiously
  14. 放冷风 spread unfounded rumours
  15. 放出 give out
  16. 放出光和热 give out light and heat
  17. 放出指令 emit instructions
  18. 放出有息贷款 lend at interest
  19. 放出清香 exude a delicate fragrance
  20. 放出蒸汽 let off steam
  21. 放出钢丝绳时要制动 Check a cable when it's runn...
  22. 放刀成佛 drop the knife and become a ...
  23. 放刁 make difficulties for sb.
  24. 放利多怨 To exact a rate of interest ...
  25. 放叶 foliation
  26. 放哨 stand sentry
  27. 放唱片 play a gramophone record
  28. 放回原处 place where it is
  29. 放在一边 put aside
  30. 放在磅上 put it on the scales
  31. 放在首位 put in the first place
  32. 放声 playback
  33. 放声大哭 cry loudly and bitterly put ...
  34. 放声大喊 lift up one's voice
  35. 放声大笑 laugh a hearty laugh
  36. 放声歌唱 sing heartily
  37. 放声痛哭 utter a stifled cry of agony
  38. 放声高歌 sing loudly
  39. 放大 amplify
  40. 放大器 amplifier
  41. 放大炮 speak with a sharp tongue
  42. 放大眼光 enlarge one's eyesight -- to...
  43. 放大镜 magnifying glass
  44. 放学 close
  45. 放宽 relax restrictions
  46. 放宽一寸 let out an inch
  47. 放宽娤拗 relaxation of restrictions
  48. 放宽尺度 relax the requirements
  49. 放宽政策 implement policies more flex...
  50. 放宽期限 extend a time limit

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