1. 报之以嗤笑 respond with a sneer
  2. 报之以笑 laugh in return
  3. 报之鼓舞人心的响应 return an encouraging answer
  4. 报人 newspaperman
  5. 报仇 revenge
  6. 报仇雪恨 pay off old scores
  7. 报仇雪耻 recover the ashes
  8. 报以一笑 send back a smile
  9. 报以冷笑 respond with a sneer
  10. 报以嘘声 be greeted with hisses
  11. 报以微笑 smile in return
  12. 报以白眼 give a person a black look
  13. 报价 quoted price
  14. 报价单 quotation of prices
  15. 报信 notify
  16. 报偿 repay
  17. 报关 declare sth. at the customs
  18. 报关人 declarant
  19. 报关单 bill of entry
  20. 报关港口 port of entry
  21. 报关行 agent for clearing customs
  22. 报关证书 customs clearance certificat...
  23. 报关费 customs clearing charges
  24. 报养育之恩 make oneself worthy of sb.'s...
  25. 报分 call the score
  26. 报刊 newspapers and periodicals
  27. 报刊是公共福利的卫护者 The press is a guardian of t...
  28. 报刊杂志 newspapers and periodicals
  29. 报刊杂志读取机 journal reader
  30. 报刊阅览室 newspaper reading room
  31. 报到 report for duty
  32. 报到处 check in
  33. 报功 report achievement
  34. 报务 work concerning telegraphing...
  35. 报务员 radio operator
  36. 报单 customs declaration
  37. 报友人书 a reply to a friend show gra...
  38. 报名 enroll
  39. 报名单 entry form
  40. 报名参军 enter one's name for the arm...
  41. 报名参加百米赛跑 enter one's name for the 100...
  42. 报名参加的不光是他一个人 He was not the only one to s...
  43. 报告 report
  44. 报告上级 report to the higher authori...
  45. 报告中所提到的事实都丝毫不差 The facts mentioned in the r...
  46. 报告书 written report
  47. 报告人对这些问题逐一作了说明 The speaker explained these ...
  48. 报告会 public lecture
  49. 报告已经录下来了 The speech has been tape-rec...
  50. 报告文件处理机 report generator

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