1. 护兵 military guards
  2. 护具 protective clothing
  3. 护养 cultivate
  4. 护养公路 maintain a highway
  5. 护养秧苗 cultivate seedlings
  6. 护养羊羔 rear lambs
  7. 护卫 protect
  8. 护卫巡航 escort a cruise
  9. 护卫舰 escort vessel
  10. 护卫艇 escort boat
  11. 护厂 guard a factory
  12. 护发用品 hair care articles
  13. 护发素 hair conditioner
  14. 护园林 garden-shelter forest
  15. 护国安民 guard the state and pacify t...
  16. 护坡 slope protection
  17. 护坡墙 slope wall
  18. 护坡道 banket
  19. 护城壕沟 moat
  20. 护城河 fosse
  21. 护堤 reinforcing dam
  22. 护墙 revetment
  23. 护墙板 chair rail
  24. 护墙板材料 wainscoting
  25. 护士 nurse
  26. 护士学校 nurses' school
  27. 护士对病人照应得很好 The nurses take good care of...
  28. 护士节 Nurses' Day
  29. 护士长 head nurse
  30. 护壳 protecting case
  31. 护封 book jacket
  32. 护岸 bank protection
  33. 护岸工程 bank protector
  34. 护岸排水沟 berm ditch
  35. 护己 defend oneself
  36. 护庇 shelter
  37. 护手 handguard
  38. 护手盘 hand guard
  39. 护持 shield and sustain
  40. 护板 backplate
  41. 护林 protect a forest
  42. 护林员 forest ranger
  43. 护栏 guardrail
  44. 护法 uphold the constitution prot...
  45. 护法运动 the movement to defend the c...
  46. 护渔船 fishing patrol boat
  47. 护漆 vernix
  48. 护照 passport
  49. 护照往往可用来证明旅行者的身份 Passports are frequently ser...
  50. 护理 nurse

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