1. 抢夺胜利果实 seize the fruits of victory
  2. 抢婚 marriage by capture
  3. 抢官夺权 grab official posts and seiz...
  4. 抢市 rush in market supplies
  5. 抢干脏活重活 vie with each other for the ...
  6. 抢手 enjoy good sale
  7. 抢手货 shopping-rush goods
  8. 抢拍 fight for vantage point in t...
  9. 抢挑重担 rush to shoulder heavy respo...
  10. 抢掠 loot
  11. 抢收 rush in the harvest
  12. 抢收抢种 rush-harvest and rush-plant
  13. 抢救 rescue
  14. 抢救中心 rescue centre
  15. 抢救为洪水所围困的居民 rescue the residents strande...
  16. 抢救国家财产 save state property
  17. 抢救工作 rescue work
  18. 抢救无效 All rescue measures proved i...
  19. 抢救溺水儿童 rescue a drowning child
  20. 抢救病人 give emergency treatment to ...
  21. 抢救组 rescue party
  22. 抢救费 salvage
  23. 抢救队 rescue crew
  24. 抢时间 race against time
  25. 抢景 quick change
  26. 抢渡 speedily cross
  27. 抢球 scramble for the ball rush
  28. 抢生意 undercut
  29. 抢白 reprove or satirize sb. to h...
  30. 抢种 rush-planting
  31. 抢篮板球 rebound recovery
  32. 抢线 ruthless pre-emption
  33. 抢绿灯 jump the green light
  34. 抢购 rush to purchase
  35. 抢购物资 panic buying of goods
  36. 抢购者 snapper-up
  37. 抢购风 buying spree
  38. 抢购风潮 panic purchasing
  39. 抢走 loot
  40. 抢运 rush transport
  41. 抢镜头 steal the show
  42. 抢险 rush to deal with an emergen...
  43. 抢险救灾 do rescue and relief work
  44. 抢险队 emergency squad
  45. 抢险飞渡 cross rivers in the teeth of...
  46. 抢风 against the wind
  47. 抢风变向 taciturnly
  48. 抢风行驶 tack
  49. 抢饭碗 grab sb.'s job
  50. protect

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