1. 干涉婚姻自由案 case of interference with th...
  2. 干涩 aningeresting
  3. 干涸 dry up
  4. 干涸河道 arroyo
  5. 干渠 trunk canal
  6. 干温期 xerothermic period
  7. 干渴 dry and thirsty
  8. 干湿球 wet and dry bulb
  9. 干湿球温度表 psychrometer
  10. 干湿球温度计 psychrometer
  11. 干湿球湿度计 wet and dry bulb hygrometer
  12. 干湿表 psychrometer
  13. 干湿计 psychrograph
  14. 干烧冬笋 winter bamboo shoots in pepp...
  15. 干烧明虾 prawns with pepper sauce
  16. 干烧法 dry combustion method
  17. 干烧鱼块 fish in pepper sauce
  18. 干热 dry heat
  19. 干热植物 xerotherm
  20. 干燥 dry
  21. 干燥作用 desiccation
  22. 干燥剂 desiccating agent
  23. 干燥器 dryer
  24. 干燥室 hothouse
  25. 干燥无味 dryasdust
  26. 干燥木材 desiccated wood
  27. 干燥林 dry forest
  28. 干燥气候 arid climate
  29. 干燥法 desiccation
  30. 干燥炉 drying furnace
  31. 干燥率 index of aridity
  32. 干燥的天气使道路干透了 The road parched up with dry...
  33. 干燥箱 dry box
  34. 干燥装置 drying machine
  35. 干燥试验 drying test
  36. 干片 dry plate
  37. 干片照相机 plate camera
  38. 干犯 offend have to do with
  39. 干电池 dry cell
  40. 干瘦 skinny
  41. 干瘦病 dry-sickness
  42. 干瘦的小家伙 a skinny little guy
  43. 干瘪 dry and shrivelled
  44. 干癣 chronic eczema
  45. 干皱 shriveling
  46. 干盐湖 playas
  47. 干眼病 scheroma
  48. 干眼症 xerophthalmia
  49. 干眼膏 xerocollyrium
  50. 干着急 be anxious but unable to do ...

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