1. 划归 put under
  2. 划得一手好桨 pull a good oar
  3. 划得来 It is worthwhile.
  4. 划成分 determine class status
  5. 划押 mark signature
  6. 划拉 brush away scrawl
  7. 划拨 appropriate
  8. 划拨一笔款子 appropriate a sum assign
  9. 划拨一间屋子作阅览室 assign a room for reading
  10. 划拳 paddle
  11. 划拳行令 lay rowdy drinking games
  12. 划掉一个字 cross out a word
  13. 划时代 epoch-making
  14. 划时代的创作 epoch-making creative work
  15. 划时代的发现 an epoch-making discovery
  16. 划时代的大事 epoch-making event
  17. 划框框 set limits
  18. 划款 transfer money
  19. 划水 arm pull
  20. 划清 draw a clear line of demarca...
  21. 划清是非界限 make a clear distinction bet...
  22. 划清界限 draw a demarcation line with...
  23. 划片 scribing
  24. 划片机 scribing machine
  25. 划玻璃 cut a piece of glass
  26. 划界 delimit a boundary
  27. 划痕 scratch
  28. 划痕器 scratcher
  29. 划痕硬度 scratch hardness
  30. 划痕规 scratch gauge
  31. 划痕记数法 score
  32. 划破 scarification
  33. 划等号 equate
  34. 划策 give counsel
  35. 划算 calculate
  36. 划粉 tailor's chalk
  37. 划线 lineation
  38. 划线支票 crossed check
  39. 划臂 arm pull
  40. 划船 paddle a boat
  41. 划船术 watermanship
  42. 划船舞 Boating Dance
  43. 划船运动 boating
  44. 划艇 pulling-boat
  45. 划艇运动 canoeing
  46. 划行 paddle
  47. 划过 streak
  48. 划针 embossing stylus
  49. whittle edges and corners ca...
  50. a surname

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