bowling green meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "bowling green" in a sentence   "bowling green" meaning
  • bowling:    n. 1.滚木球,玩滚木球戏;玩九柱戏。 2.(板球的) ...
  • green:    n. 1.格林〔姓氏〕。 2.John RichardG ...
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  1. Bowling green state university
  2. Bowling green state college
  3. Got his rag out that evening on the bowling green because i sailed inside him . pure fluke of mine : the bias
  4. Prior to rejoining cuhk , he was chairman of the management department at the university of utah for two years . he taught at uu for six years and at bowling green state university , ohio for three years
  5. Narayen holds a bachelor s degree in electronics engineering from osmania university in india , a master s degree in computer science from bowling green state university , and a master s degree in business administration from the haas school of business
    Narayen拥有印度奥斯曼尼亚大学osmania university的电子工程学学士学位州立鲍灵格林大学bowling green state university的计算机科学硕士学位和哈斯商学院haas school of business的工商管理硕士学位。

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  6. bowling green bay in Chinese
  7. bowling green state college in Chinese
  8. bowling green state university in Chinese
  9. bowling lang in Chinese
  10. bowling match in Chinese
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