boastfulnesses meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "boastfulnesses" in a sentence
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  1. the fiddler's boastfulness also bothered kunta .
  2. faber found his boastfulness irritating. "how many enemy aircraft did you shoot down? "
  3. faber found his boastfulness irritating . " how many enemy aircraft did you shoot down ?
  4. no fear, we shan't lose him this time !'he said to himself, referring to his getting the peasant warm with the same boastfulness with which he spoke of his buying and selling .'
  5. similarly, though with a subtle difference, a species of fervour or intoxication, known, without doubt, to have led some persons to brave the guillotine unnecessarily, and to die by it, was not mere boastfulness, but a wild infection of the wildly

Related Words


  1. boasters in Chinese
  2. boastest in Chinese
  3. boasteth in Chinese
  4. boastfull in Chinese
  5. boastfulness in Chinese
  6. boastingly in Chinese
  7. boastings in Chinese
  8. boastive in Chinese
  9. boastless in Chinese
  10. boastly in Chinese
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