befittingly meaning in Chinese

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  1. But it is a selectivity application of technology , and requires that science and technology researchers in as / rs apply new technology befittingly , which will help as / rs realize full automatization
  2. The investigation shows that plenum chamber total pressure has multifarious effects on arcjet thruster operation , and both specific impulse and thrust efficiency can be improved by increasing it befittingly under steady arc
  3. On the other hand , after the conflicts , the old - style private school were beginning to remould itself befittingly , which is the base for the new - learning education system to win the old - learning education system in the countryside ultimately
  4. The object of this article is the outer environment of highrise settlement , the authors look it as a basic unit . in virtue of the principle of cytology , the authors analyse the boundary ? the nucleus and the close greenbelt of the basic unit , trying to find a befittingly way for the outer environment of highrise settlement

Related Words

        beflag:    以旗子装饰
        befitting:    adj. 相宜的,适当的,合适的 (opp. improper ). bef ...
        befleclion:    映象
        befit the occasion:    应节令
        befloxatone:    贝氟沙通
        befit:    vt. (-tt-) 适合,适宜,与…相当,对…合式;为…的义务,对…为正常 ...
        befn aeah:    混元功; 荆棘光环
        befiperide:    苄非哌胺
        befog:    vt. (-gg-) 1.把…笼罩在云雾中。 2.使迷惑;使含糊;使神秘莫测 ...
        befio:    贝菲奥


  1. befio in Chinese
  2. befiperide in Chinese
  3. befit in Chinese
  4. befit the occasion in Chinese
  5. befitting in Chinese
  6. beflag in Chinese
  7. befleclion in Chinese
  8. befloxatone in Chinese
  9. befn aeah in Chinese
  10. befog in Chinese
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